Jewelry can be expensive, and you want it to look as good as it was on the day of purchase.You can use the products you already have at home to make your jewelry shine.Learn how to use everyday ingredients and our methods to clean jewelry.A little time and gathering the necessary ingredients is enough to ensure the luster of diamonds and the luster of gold.

* Ammonia  Many people use ammonia to clean their floors, but it can also clean diamonds well without damaging them.

° 1/4 c ammonia

° 1 c warm water

° jar/ bowl

Mix ammonia and water in a bowl or bowl.Put the diamond in the bowl and let it sit for 15 minutes.After the jewelry gets wet, wipe it gently with a soft toothbrush to remove residual dirt.Pay close attention to cracks in the kit and parts, as dirt and soot often stick to these places.Rinse the product with water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

* Vinegar 

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