+Baking ingredients:
°1/4 c canola oil
°1/4 cup unsalted butter (soft)
°1 teaspoon of sugar
°2 large eggs (room temperature)
°1 teaspoon vanilla
°1 1/2 cups flour
°1 teaspoon baking powder
°1/2 teaspoon salt
°1/2 cup butter*
°1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
°1/2 teaspoon molasses
°1/2 cup unsalted butter (melted)
°1/4 cup of sugar
°1/4 C brown sugar (packed)
°1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
* I use 1/2 cup whole milk mixed with 1/2 teaspoon white vinegar as a substitute for the curds.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Mixing oil, butter and sugar in a bowl to blended.
Stirring in eggs also vanilla to smooth.
Begin by carefully adding the dry ingredients and milk*, stirring until combined.
Scrape sides of the bowl so that these ingredients can be incorporated to mixture.
Removing 1/2 cup of the mixture. Add it to smaller bowl. Sit sideways. Now we adding cinnamon and molasses. Mixing well.
Prepare the cake pan by spraying it with cooking spray.
Start by pouring half of the bread mixture into the baking tray. Spreading this on the bottom of the pan.
Spoon half of cinnamon/molasses mix over the bread mixture.
Carefully pour the rest of the bread mixture over the cinnamon/molasses mixture.
Pour the remaining cinnamon/molasses mixture over the bread mixture.
Using a butter knife or toothpick, stir in the mixture.
Baking at 350 degrees for 45-50 mn.
Remove from the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes while you're still baking.
Gently loosen edges and sides of bread from pan.
Using your hands, carefully remove the bread from the pan.
Prepare the baking coating while it cools.
Pour melt butter to a large shallow dish. Add sugar with cinnamon, stirring well.
Dipping each side of the bread into melted butter to coat.
Pour melt butter over edges.
Gently removing bread from the melted butter and coat every side with the cinnamon-sugar mix, making sure one side is well cover. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon mixture on the bread.
Enjoy !