A thorough evaluation of your medical history and a straightforward physical examination of your throat are often sufficient to diagnose tonsil stones.

So, what are some of the alternatives that may be used to remove tonsil stones?

Removal on your own: Use a cotton swab or saltwater gargling to carefully remove the stones from your body. You should take special care not to injure your tonsils by handling any things that are sharp or pointed.
Gargle with medication: Gargles or mouthwashes with antimicrobial properties may assist decrease bacterial accumulation and forestall the formation of tonsil stones.
The tonsil crypts may be flushed out and any material that has been lodged can be removed with the use of an oral irrigator.
Tonsillectomy, the surgical removal of the tonsils, may be recommended by your doctor in extreme circumstances where tonsil stones are causing persistent infections or considerable pain.
Consuming fizzy drinks might help loosen stone makeup and facilitate their ultimate removal.
The process of coughing out stones
These are a few of the ways that tonsil stones might be avoided:

Saltwater gargling on a regular basis
Keeping up with regular dental cleanings
Taking care of allergies that cause a buildup of nasal mucous
Consistently scraping or brushing your tongue

It is always recommended to see a medical professional, even though tonsil stones are usually innocuous and may be handled at home. It goes without saying that you should take precautions and maintain proper dental hygiene.