Sleeping with your bedroom door slightly open and pets around can feel cozy and safe. However, it's important to think about safety when doing this.
Closing your bedroom door while you sleep may seem unimportant, but it is very important for fire safety.
The Life-Saving Importance of a Closed Door
A closed bedroom door can protect you and give you more time to escape if there is a fire. A worrying issue is that using synthetic materials in modern homes significantly decreases the time you have to escape during a fire. In the past, you had about 17 minutes to escape, but now you only have three minutes.
A clear example by the UL Firefighter Safety Institute showed how much less damage a closed bedroom door can prevent compared to an open one. One thing was completely covered by the fire, while the other slowed down the fire a lot.
"Shut the Door Before You Sleep" - A Call for Everyone to Be Aware