To clean your mattress, you will need a vacuum, a wet cloth, and baking soda. Begin by using a vacuum cleaner on the mattress to get rid of dust and dirt on the surface, stopping it from spreading around. After that, spread baking soda on the mattress. Baking soda is great for getting rid of old smells. It also helps remove wetness and dirt. Later, clean the mattress with a wet cloth to get rid of any stains.
To remove tough stains, mix baking soda, water, and salt to make a paste. Put the paste on the spots and leave it there for around 30 minutes. After that, clean it with a wet cloth. Your mattress will be completely clean. Don't forget to do this every six months and also clean the pillows because they gather dirt too.
Now that you are aware of what is inside your mattress, it is important to take care of it properly. A fresh mattress helps you sleep well and stay healthy. Don't forget to clean your mattress regularly.