Fungi get their energy from the plants they grow on. As the fungus grows, the plant weakens. They not only make the plants droop but also create scabs, moldy layers, and spots on them. And light-colored spots on the leaves.
Baking soda can help with heartburn and also fight against fungal pests. Fungi can live in acidic places, but they cannot survive in the acidity of baking soda. It would act like a poison for tiny organisms in plants.
To create this natural fungicide, you will need three common ingredients that you probably already have at home. The quantity of the mixture will vary based on the fungus's size. You will need one spoonful of baking soda, another spoonful of mild natural soap, and one liter of water. The soap needs to be natural. If it's not, it might cancel out the baking soda's effects with its chemicals.
These elements are combined in water and dissolved in a spray bottle to be used on plants with fungus.