Oh, summer. It is definitely the most loved time of the year for most people, offering warmth, nature, and hopefully lots of sun.

Although I mostly think that summer doesn't have many downsides, there are a couple of things I would eliminate if I had the chance.

Before you mention it, I know that wasps are crucial for the environment. I wouldn't want to make a species disappear just because I'm scared of them. However, we can all agree that they can really spoil a BBQ, interrupt a garden party, or make people run for cover.

I'm lucky that my job doesn't involve dealing with wasps, hornets, or other insects that sting often. That's why I often think about mail carriers.

A Reddit post became popular recently for talking about the problems mail carriers have with wasps. Yellowjackets can be a big issue because they tend to make their nests inside mailboxes.

According to the post, mailboxes can be a good place for wasps to build their nests. They are protected and kept out of sight from the world, and they stay warm at night, which are things wasps like in a place to live.

Now, everything is going well. Someone is responsible for regularly checking those mailboxes. In a Reddit post, the postal worker shared that they often find mailboxes with wasp nests inside. This leads to getting stung often when they reach inside to deliver the mail.

A danger that comes with the job, you say? Yes, but it doesn't have to be that way.

There is a simple trick to keep wasps away using a scented dryer sheet.

The smell of the dryer sheet keeps wasps away from mailboxes, stopping them from making nests there.

So, now let's see what you should be doing.