These cauliflower fritters are a tasty and nutritious way to enjoy cauliflower, transforming a basic vegetable into a delicious snack or side dish. These fritters are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. They are made with eggs, Parmesan cheese, herbs, and garlic. They are a simple and healthy choice for anyone who wants a delicious way to include more vegetables in their diet.

Time to prepare:

Time needed to prepare: 15 minutes

Time needed for cooking: 20 minutes

Time needed: 35 minutes

List of items needed to make a recipe.

1 cauliflower (700 grams)

Add salt according to your preference.

3 huevos

A mix of peppers, as desired.

Cut pieces of chives

Cut dill

2 pieces of garlic, finely chopped

40 grams, which is equivalent to about 1/3 cup, of grated Parmesan cheese.

70 grams of flour, which is equal to half a cup.

Cooking oil
