This Zucchini Roll filled with ham and cheese is a great and nutritious dish that is ideal for any time of the day. This dish is very tasty, easy to prepare, and will surely become a favorite. Whether you decide to include ham or use different vegetables for a vegetarian version, this recipe gives you the freedom to choose and still tastes delicious.

Time to prepare:

Total time: 2 hours and 55 minutes (including time to cool down).
Time needed to prepare: 20 minutes
Time to cook: 25 minutes
Duration: 2 hours
List of items needed:

3 average-sized zucchinis, which weigh around 600 grams or 1.3 pounds.
5 huevos
5 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese, which is approximately 40 grams or 1.4 ounces.
Add salt as desired.
High-quality olive oil
Finely chopped fresh parsley (around 2 tablespoons)
250 grams, which is equivalent to 8.8 ounces. Philadelphia or any other type of cream cheese
200 grams, which is equivalent to 7 ounces. Ham that has been cooked (you can also use other vegetables or thinly sliced tomatoes instead).
