Recipe for Crunchy Cabbage and Egg Patties


These Crunchy Cabbage and Egg Fritters are a tasty and healthy snack or side dish that mix the crispiness of cabbage with the delicious taste of eggs and spices. Simple to prepare and delicious, they are great for a fast meal or snack that everyone in the family will love. If you have leftover rice or want a delicious dish with lots of vegetables, these fritters will make you happy.

Time to get ready.

Time needed to prepare: 20 minutes

Time to cook: 15 minutes

Time needed: 35 minutes

List of items needed to make a recipe.

Cabbage: 170 grams (cut into thin strips)

Salt (for soaking cabbage): 1/3 teaspoon

Green Onion: 15 grams (chopped)

Chili Peppers: 2 (30g, chopped)

Rice: 1 bowl (around 1 cup)

Black pepper: 1/5 teaspoon

Salt: 1/4 teaspoon

Chili Powder: a small amount, about 1/5 of a teaspoon.

Crack and whisk 3 eggs.

Cornstarch: 2 tablespoons

Cooking oil: for frying.

