- 1/2 cup of good quality edible beurre.

two tasses of sucre

Four eggs.

Three tasses of farine.

a teaspoon of baking powder

A teaspoon of cinnamon.

A teaspoon of salt.

It has two vanilla ice creams.

Environ three or four pommes Granny Smith, vidées et coupées en morceaux, équivalent à three tasses et demie.

Chop 1 cup of walnuts. Do you need help with computing?

Chauffer the four at 325 degrees before starting cooking.

Mélanger le beurre, le sucre et les œufs dans un grande récipient.

Place cinnamon, salt, baking powder and flour in a medium bowl. Place in a large container. Make sure the mixture is correct.

Finally, add the vanilla.

Add the walnuts and apples and mix.

Use a greased and floured bowl (or two baking sheets) before pouring in the oil.

Cuire au four à 325 degrés pendant une heure. When the cake has been in the oven for about 50 minutes, test with a toothpick; If it comes out clean, it means it's ready. If you're using paper, be sure to check it every 50 minutes.


Melt the butter in a frying pan over low heat.

Mix milk with jaggery.

Chauffez doucement jusqu'à ce que ça bouille, en diminuant la chaleur progressivement.

Continue to cook after 10 minutes of cooking.

Éteignez le feu, mettez la vanille et mélangez. I get up. Let it cool.

See the cold caramel on the cooled cake.