When you're on the run and need a nutritious snack that doesn't need baking, try these No-Bake Nut and Date Bars. They're ideal for a morning snack or on the run since they're high in protein, healthy fats, and natural sugars. Everyone will like the flavor and texture created by the combination of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. You won't even need to bake them; they're that easy to make!
Active Time for preparation. One and a half hours of preparation time
Time to chill: two to three hours.
Two hours at intervals of fifteen minutes to three hours and fifteen minutes.
Ingredients: 75 grams (1/2 cup or 2.6 ounces). 50 g (1/2 cup or 1.8 oz) of almonds 1/2 cup (1.8 oz) of walnuts (50 g) One and a half cups (8.8 ounces/250 grams) of pumpkin seeds. 100g (1/3 cup / 3.5 oz) of peanut butter (or your favourite nut butter) and pitted dates
40% dried cranberries, or 1/4 cup (1.4 ounces).
1/4 teaspoon of salt.
Follow Toasted Nuts: Toast the nuts for two minutes in a skillet over medium heat. Cook for a further 2 minutes after adding the pumpkin seeds and walnuts. After toasting, let the nuts cool fully.
To prepare the dates, soak them in cold water for 15 minutes. After removing the date pits, drain the water. In a blender or food processor, combine the dates.