The body's natural antioxidant glutathione is a powerful asset in maintaining skin elasticity, and selenium is an essential component in its synthesis. Skin elasticity and firmness are supported by glutathione, which is produced in large part by selenium.
Selenium helps keep antioxidant levels high, which in turn protects cells from damage that may cause age spots and other skin discolorations. To keep skin looking young and healthy, its function in cell protection is essential.
Improves Immune Function: Having healthy skin requires a well-functioning immune system. Because of its ability to strengthen the immune system, selenium aids in the battle against illnesses and infections that may have an effect on the look of skin.
Possible Selenium Sources

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If you want to be sure you're getting enough selenium in your diet, try eating these foods:

One of the best places to get selenium is in Brazil nuts. A single or double serving of Brazil nuts per day will enough.
Fish: Selenium-rich seafood includes tuna, halibut, and sardines, among others.
Turkey, beef, chicken, and liver are among the meats that are rich in this mineral.
Along with other vital nutrients, eggs are a good source of selenium.
Oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread are all examples of whole grains that are better for you than refined grains because they contain selenium.
Taking Selenium Supplements

Even while eating a diet rich in selenium is the healthiest option, there are supplements you may take as well. Be wary of using selenium pills in excess, too, as this mineral might have negative side effects. Adults should aim for 55 micrograms daily, however this might vary according on factors including gender, age, and health status. Before beginning a new supplement regimen, it is important to contact with a healthcare expert.

A Skincare Routine That Incorporates Selenium

In addition to selenium found in food, you may find it in topical skincare treatments. These may aid in delivering antioxidant benefits to the skin in a targeted manner. Keep an eye out for anti-aging and skin-brightening serums and lotions that include selenium.

In summary

Checking your selenium consumption might help with age spots and general skin health. Protect your skin from the signs of aging and enhance its overall look by getting enough of this essential mineral via food or supplements. The best way to prevent age spots and other skin ageing indicators is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and use good skincare products.