Many people like to use apple cider vinegar (ACV) to remove skin tags at home. ACV is known for its acidic properties that can break down the tissue of the skin tags, causing them to eventually fall off. Although many individuals have found this approach to be effective, it is crucial to be careful and seek guidance from experts for optimal outcomes. Here is how you can safely use apple cider vinegar to get rid of skin tags:

How to Remove Skin Tags Using Apple Cider Vinegar:

Tidy up the space.

Clean the skin around the skin tag well with gentle soap and warm water. Dry gently.

Take care of the skin around it.

Put petroleum jelly or a thick lotion around the skin tag to shield the nearby skin from the acidity of the vinegar.

Use apple cider vinegar.

Soak a small piece of cotton in apple cider vinegar. Press the vinegar bottle gently to prevent it from dripping.

Put the cotton soaked in vinegar on the skin tag and cover it with a bandage.

Keep it turned on.

Keep the cotton ball on the skin tag for a maximum of 3 hours. Watch out for any redness or pain in the area. If you feel very irritated, stop using it right away.

Say it again.