No matter how many times you wash your clothes, if you have white items, you understand how hard it is to maintain their original color and brightness. After using and washing white clothes a few times, they start to lose their color, and yellow stains can appear under the armpits.To make clothes whiter, people usually use bleach, but it can be harmful because it is toxic. When we use bleach to wash clothes, we can breathe it in and it can touch our skin when we wear the clothes.Here are some natural ways to make white clothes brighter and remove stains from white fabrics. These are easy ways to save money and take care of our health.

Lemon and salt:

To remove sweat marks that mostly appear under the arms and on the collar, you can use a mixture of lemon and salt.

Heat two liters of water until it boils. Then, take it off the heat and mix in 60 ml of laundry detergent, the juice of three lemons, and a tablespoon of salt.

Put the clothes in this mixture and leave them there for 40 minutes. After that, wash them well with water and dry them in the sun.

Hydrogen peroxide: