While sleeping with your bedroom door slightly open might make you feel calm, especially if you have a pet friend that likes to roam around or listen for family members, it's important to think about this habit again from a safety point of view.

It might not seem important, but closing your bedroom door while you sleep can have big effects, especially when it comes to fire safety.

The Power of a Closed Door to Save Lives

If you close your bedroom door, it can protect you and give you important extra minutes to get out of the dangerous situation of a fire. An alarming fact comes to light: the widespread use of synthetic materials in modern homes drastically cuts your escape time from a fire from about 17 minutes to just three.

The UL Firefighter Safety Institute showed in a very clear way the big difference in fire damage between a bedroom with the door open and one with the door shut all the way. The first one was completely consumed by fire, while the second one made it much harder for the fire to spread quickly.

A Wake-Up Call for the Whole Country: "Close Before You Doze"

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