A family that is not together, owing money, and being let down. You will be very interested to see what happens when money left for a college fund disappears. Discover the surprising twists and turns of this exciting story as consequences draw near and hidden truths are revealed.
When I was a child, it often seemed like my parents liked my older brother more than me. I could tell that they were being treated differently, even though they were trying to conceal it. I often felt like I was forgotten, like an empty space wanting to be noticed, while my brother enjoyed being accepted.
However, despite the family's problems, my grandfather was a strong source of love and support. Unlike my parents, he acknowledged my skills and encouraged my ambitions, especially my dream of becoming a pilot.
My grandfather passed away when I was fifteen years old. Before he left, he made me one final promise that filled me with hope. He said he would give me all his money when he dies. This would cover my college expenses and help me follow my goals.