Importance of pawpaw leaves


* Full of important nutrients. They have around 80% of the nutrients that the body uses.

Seeds help fight parasites and liver diseases, including cirrhosis.

* It fights against cancer.

* Improve eye health by providing nutrients, revitalizing cells, and maintaining their well-being to prevent diseases and cataracts.

* Seeds can make your skin look younger by reducing wrinkles and preventing early aging because they are high in glycine and leucine.

* Reduces period pain

*Treats Dengue fever

*Full of substances that eliminate parasites from the body.

* Cleanse your body

* Treat liver cirrhosis and other liver illnesses.

* Helps with digestion.

* Boost the production of sperm and eggs in men and women, as well as overall fertility.

* Fights Cancer

* Helps fight acne when consumed. Next, crush seeds and green leaves until they become a paste. Put paste on the area that is affected.


Advantages of using pawpaw/papaya leaves

Boiling pawpaw leaves and drinking the water in moderation can be very good for your health.

Advantages include:

1: Strengthen your body's defenses.

2: Properties that reduce inflammation.

3: Reduce the amount of sugar in your blood.

4: Aid with breaking down food in the stomach.

5: Lowers the chance of getting cancer.

6: Beneficial for the health of your skin.

7: Decreases worry and nervousness.
