Having skin issues such as warts, blackheads, and age spots can affect how you feel about yourself and your health in general. Luckily, nature provides many natural solutions for these typical skin problems. Here is a complete guide to solving these issues with natural remedies.

Natural ways to treat warts
Fig tree sap can be used to get rid of warts, according to dermatologist Nina Roos. The liquid in the plant has acids that can help remove warts. A study in the International Journal of Dermatology has proven that it works, thanks to certain enzymes found in the sap.
Celandine, also called wartweed, has a substance called coptisine that can stop the virus that causes warts. Put the sap directly on the wart, making sure to only apply it on the wart and not on the skin around it, as it can be harmful.
Dandelion juice can also help treat warts. Cut a dandelion stem in half. Put the liquid on the wart and cover it with a bandage. Do this two times a day until the wart goes away.
Managing dark spots and signs of aging.

Managing dark spots and signs of aging

Lemon Juice: