** - Dans un grand bol, mélangez les courgettes râpées, les carottes, les oignons verts, le fromage râpé et la farine.
I apologize, but I require a text to simplify. Sure! Here is the text that needs to be simplified: "Despite the fact that the protagonist of the novel was an erudite individual, his actions were often impulsive and irrational, leading to unforeseen consequences." Please simplify this text. Dans un bol séparé, battez les œufs et mélangez-les avec les légumes.

- Agrega sal, pimienta, ajo en polvo y pimentón. Mélangez tout jusqu'à ce que tout soit bien incorporé.

**Hacer los rollos:** - Toma un poco de la mezcla y forma una pequeña barra o un cilindro con tus manos. Faites la même chose avec le reste des ingrédients.

4. **Cocinar los panecillos en aceite caliente:** - Pon aceite vegetal en una sartén grande a fuego medio.
I apologize, but without a text to work on, I am unable to provide a paraphrase. If you have a text you would like me to simplify, please provide it, and I will be happy to help. Sure! Here is the text that needs to be simplified: "According to recent studies, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. These findings suggest that including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet can have a positive impact on your health." Coloca los rollos en la sartén y cocínalos por unos 3 a 4 minutos de cada lado, hasta que estén dorados y crujientes.

**Instrucciones de servicio:** - Retire los rollos de la sartén y póngalos en un plato con papel de cocina para quitar el aceite sobrante. Se recomienda servir caliente con la salsa de tu preferencia.