In a bowl, combine hot water with three tablespoons of washing soda. Dip a cloth or towel in this mixture, squeeze out excess liquid, and use it to clean the mattress as instructed earlier. Lastly, rinse and dry the item.
3 – Water with added oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide is seen as a safe and effective natural cleaner.
Spray a mixture of mostly water and some hydrogen peroxide on the mattress. Then, use a cloth rolled up into a pad to rub the mattress. Allow to dry.
Another helpful tip from a grandmother to remove stains from a mattress is to use dish soap!
Be cautious, this advice is more effective on new stains than on old, deeply set stains. Therefore, it is important to act promptly if there are any stains on your mattress instead of delaying.
Especially because to clean a mattress stained with dish soap, all you have to do is:
Combine lukewarm water and dish soap, then use a clean sponge to clean your mattress with the mixture.
After washing the mattress with a damp cloth to remove stains, make sure to rinse it thoroughly to prevent any marks. Then, allow the mattress to dry for a few hours.
Now you can have a fresh mattress!