Get the onion ready.

Select a new onion, ideally one that is organic. You can use either red or white onions.

Peel the onion and slice it into big, flat pieces that can be placed on the bottom of your feet easily.

Get your socks ready:

Choose a pair of snug socks to keep the onion slices in place overnight.


Before going to sleep, put a piece of onion in the curve of each sock. It is recommended to place the onion on the bottom of your feet so that it can better connect with the nerves there.

Think about it before making a decision.

Put on the socks and go to sleep like you normally do. While you sleep, the onion is believed to work by removing impurities from your body and offering health benefits.

What You Can Anticipate

Some individuals say they feel more energized or see clearer skin after using this. Some people find it calming for small health issues. Although there is no scientific proof of this remedy's effectiveness, it is a safe and easy method to try. At the very least, you might find it an interesting experiment!