Why Do Those Little Strings Appear on Bananas?
Have you ever wondered why banana strings irritate people so much? The ones that seem to follow you around until you slough off the yellow skin? These are known as "phloem bundles," and they serve a purpose.
Phloem bundles, which contain bananas, carry nutrients from a plant's leaves to its fruit. They ensure that the plant receives the nourishment it need, which is vital to its growth and health. But what about the strings themselves? Do they taste good?
Indeed, you can chew those strings! However, taking them out before to consuming a banana is not necessary. In actuality, they include essential nutrients including potassium, fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin B6. So go ahead and leave the strings on your next banana and get their nutritional advantages.
Surprisingly, recent research suggests that brown-spotted bananas are really healthier than ones without. Thus, don't rush to discard those bananas that are little overripe. They contain a chemical that has been proved to fight cancer cells and help control blood pressure because of their high potassium content.
So the next time you eat a banana, remember that those little threads, albeit a bit unpleasant, have a function. They help the fruit mature and provide essential nutrients. Accept and relish the health advantages of phloem bundles!