All you need is 16 ounces of sour cream (the one in the image is really two 8-ounce containers, but that's just because the store I went to didn't have the 16-ounce container of the particular sort I prefer) and some actual bacon pieces. Verify their authenticity. On one occasion, I used artificial ones, and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.
Finely chopped cheese. Personally, I think cheddar jack is the best, but I'm sure any sort would be fine.
A can of ranch seasonings. They come in a variety of flavors, but my favorite is the original.
Recipe for the Unidentified Dip:
Everything you need to make the dip is simply mixed together. I assure you, it's incredible, even though it looks like vomit. My preferred method is combining the ranch with the sour cream. I combine the two, then whisk in the bacon chunks. And then I combine the whole bunch of cheese once I've blended everything together.

Pair with your preferred crackers or chips. Additionally, refrain from devouring it all at once. That is, if Nick would just stop making fun of me. If I lived alone, I'd be eating nothing but this dip, ice cream, and cookies. Thankfully, I have company. To hell with it.

