How to grow mint indoors: 3 growing methods for year-round harvests


Cutting Preparation: Take a 3-inch long cutting from a healthy mint plant, removing the lower leaves.

Rooting Medium: Plant the cutting in moist potting soil or place it in a glass of water. If using soil, cover the pot with a plastic bag to create a humid environment, mimicking a greenhouse effect.

Root Development: In soil, roots should begin to form within 3 weeks. In water, you may see roots even sooner. Once rooted, pot the cutting in soil if it isn’t already.

3. Hydroponic Systems:

Setup: Small, home-scale hydroponic units are excellent for growing mint indoors. These systems circulate water and nutrients directly to the roots, promoting rapid growth.

Lighting: As with potted plants, ensure your hydroponically grown mint receives plenty of light. Supplement with grow lights if necessary.

Nutrients: Follow the nutrient schedule recommended by your hydroponic system manufacturer for herbs to ensure your mint gets the right balance of nutrients.

Additional Tips for Indoor Mint Care:

Pruning: Regularly harvest or pinch back the mint to encourage bushier growth. This prevents the plant from becoming leggy and promotes more leaf production.

Pest Management: Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests, such as spider mites or aphids. Mint is relatively pest-resistant, but infestations can occur. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to manage pests if necessary.

Refreshing the Plant: Mint plants can become woody and less productive over time. Every couple of years, propagate a new plant from cuttings to replace the old one.

By following these methods and care tips, you can successfully grow mint indoors, ensuring a fresh supply of this versatile herb year-round. Whether you're a tea enthusiast or a culinary aficionado, indoor mint cultivation offers a convenient and rewarding way to enjoy the fresh taste of mint whenever you like.
