At every gathering I've been to, this has been the unanimous favorite.

 18.5 ounces (or one packet) of yellow cake mix
1 packet of about 3.5 ounces of quick lemon pudding mix
four eggs
3/4 cup of all-purpose veggie oil
To make the glaze:
sweeteners, measuring four cups
Squeezed lemon juice, measuring 1/3 cup
One lemon, with its peel shredded
Three teaspoons of nonstick cooking oil
1/3 cup of water
1. Bake the muffins according to the oven temperature recommended on the cake mix packaging. (Set as the default temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit)
2. Whisk together the cake mix, quick lemon pudding, eggs, and oil in a large basin. Combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.
Third, prepared a muffin pan by greasing or lining it with paper liners.
4. Fill approximately two-thirds of the muffin cups with batter using a spoon.
Cook the lemon flowers for about 10 to 12 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of one muffin comes out clean, as directed on the cake mix packaging for muffins.
Make the glaze while the lemon flowers bake. 6. Confectioners' sugar, fresh lemon juice, zest, vegetable oil, and water should be whisked together in a separate basin until creamy.
7. Take the lemon flowers out of the oven and put them in the muffin pan to cool for a while.
8. Dip the lemon flower tops or drizzle the muffins with the glaze while they are still warm.


9. Don't serve until the glaze has set. Have fun eating those tasty lemon blooms!
By saving and trying this recipe, you may bring yourself to a warm and welcoming kitchen brimming with joy and laughter. Enjoy the Lemon Blossoms for every meal of the day, whether it's breakfast, brunch, or a snack in the afternoon. Their zesty lemon flavor will perk you up and put a smile on your face. Get out your muffin pan and whip up a batch of these mouthwatering Lemon Blossoms; everyone you know will be grateful.

