Orchids, how to multiply endlessly with a potato: gardeners teach them


Preparation of the Nutrient Substance:

Remove sprouts from a potato and place them in a bowl.

Add a chopped garlic clove.

Mix and add water.

Cover and store in a dark place for about a week to macerate.

Cutting the Orchid:

With gloves on, use scissors to cut a branch or cutting from the orchid plant.

Disinfect the cut to prepare it for the propagation process.

Using the Potato-Garlic Mixture:

Filter the mixture to obtain a liquid nutrient.

Soak the orchid cutting in this substance to absorb the nutrients.


After soaking, place the cutting in a pot filled with soil.

The cutting will start to develop and multiply in the following weeks.

This unique method provides a way to endlessly grow orchids using items you may already have at home. It's a testament to the resourcefulness and creativity of gardeners and a fantastic way to enjoy the beauty of orchids continuously.
