
2 (8oz.) packs of Pillsbury crescent rolls
2 (8oz.) packs of cream cheese, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup melted butter
1 tablespoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons sugar
Honey (optional, for drizzling)

Begin by preheating your oven to 350°F. Meanwhile, lightly grease a 9x13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.

Lay out one pack of the crescent rolls in the baking dish. Press them down firmly, ensuring they reach the edges and are connected without gaps.

For a more cooked base, bake this crescent roll layer for approximately 5-8 minutes until just set. This step is optional, but recommended if you prefer a more baked base.

In a mixing bowl, blend together the softened cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract until smooth.

Gently spread this cream cheese mixture over the baked crescent layer in the dish.

Unroll the second pack of crescent rolls and lay them out over the cream cheese layer, stretching them to meet the edges and sealing any gaps.

Brush the melted butter generously over the top layer of crescent rolls.

In a small bowl, mix together the tablespoon of cinnamon and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Sprinkle this mix evenly over the buttered crescent top.

Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for roughly 30 minutes, or until you see a beautiful golden brown hue on top.

You can enjoy these bars warm, where they'll be delightfully gooey. Alternatively, allow them to cool and then refrigerate them for a few hours for a firmer texture.

Before serving, slice the dessert into desired shapes, either triangles or squares. For an added touch of sweetness, drizzle some honey over the top. Enjoy!
