Fried potatoes and onions


* Ingredients

°1½ pounds (about three potatoes) thin-skinned round white potatoes
°1 large sweet onion
° salt
° 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 frying pan
° 2 tablespoons of butter

* Directions:

Heat a heavy 10-inch skillet over medium heat.
Cut the potatoes and onions into very thin slices. Salt potatoes and onions. Adding oil and butter to the skillet. When the butter becomes foamy, add the potatoes and onions to the skillet.
Place a plate on top of the potatoes and weigh it down with something heavy: a sack of flour, heavy cans, etc. Let them peel again. Continue to sauté the potatoes and onions for about 20 minutes, until they are browned and lightly browned.

