Bread rolls you'll enjoy hot or cold


°Guys if your dough is too soft you can add some flour
°250ml hot milk
°7 g of dry yeast (2 teaspoons)
°62 g melted margarine
°50g of sugar
°7g salt
°1 egg
°375g all-purpose flour


In a bowl, dissolve the dry yeast in the milk and add a pinch of sugar, let stand.
Separately blend the sugar with margarine. Then add the milk (with yeast), egg, flour and salt.
Form a loaf and leave to rest for an hour. Then divide it into two portions and form the sandwiches with each of them.
Let them rest for 30 minutes then brush them with butter. Let them rest for another 15 minutes then bake them at 356°F (180°) for 25 minutes.

Enjoy !

