Healthy Taco Stuffed Tomatoes


Our Baked Stuffed Tacos Are Easy To Make And Tasty! These stuffed tomatoes are like eating a taco without a crust! It's also great for summer because there are so many delicious fresh tomatoes at farmers' markets.

Two weeks ago I made Italian stuffed tomatoes in the air fryer and they were really good so I thought the taco filling would be delicious as well - plus I was out of tacos. While the ground beef is cooking - you can prepare the tomatoes - so that the entire meal is ready in less than 30 minutes!

How to make a taco stuffed with tomatoes?

 You can easily switch ground turkey or chopped chicken as well if you want to dilute the recipe a little. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

While the minced meat turns brown, you can pulp the tomatoes. Turn the top portion of the tomato over and scoop the inner portion of the tomato into a bowl. You will use it for taco filling! Once the tomatoes are peeled, sprinkle salt inside the tomatoes and place them upside down on a paper towel to draw out the excess water.

* Ingredients :

° 4-6 large tomatoes
° 1 pound ground meat
° 2 tablespoons of seasoning taco
° 4 cups chopped spinach
° 1/2 cup corn * fresh or frozen
° 1/4 cup sharp cheddar cheese * optional
° 1 tablespoon chopped coriander

* Instructions :

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
2. Chop the top of the tomato and extract all the pulp. Place in a baking dish.
3. Roast ground beef in a large frying pan. Time cooked, adding taco season .
4. Add spinach and corn. Cook until the spinach is wilted and mixed everything together thoroughly.
5. Stuff the tomatoes with the beef mixture. Use any leftover beef at the bottom of the baking dish.
6. Sprinkle with cheese.
7. Baking 15 min  . Add coriander and serve.

Enjoy !
