Easy 7-Up Cake


While some dessert trends come and go, the crowd-pleasing Bundt Cake will forever be invited to all gatherings, from baby showers to barbecues and lavish dinner parties. By adding Seven Up to the batter, this cake takes on a very light texture with the slightest hint of citrus.

This old-fashioned recipe from 7UP Pound Cake is a simple Southern dessert that's perfect for just about any occasion. This buttery pound smoothie cake is made from scratch with a hint of lemon. Enjoy the glazed cake on its own, or pair it with fresh fruit and a slice of whipped cream!

Every home chef should have a delicious and easy cake recipe that you can always turn to when hosting a party or attending a wedding. Seven Up Pound Cake is a classic favorite - with a crispy exterior and a dense soft crumb (but not dry or crumbly)! The secret ingredient is Seven Up Soda!

* Ingredients :

° 1-1 / 2 cup ghee or butter
° 3 cups sugar
° 5 eggs
° 3 cups flour
° 2 tbsp. Lemon extract
° 3/4 cup 7UP®️
° 3-1 / 4 cups powdered sugar
° 1 tsp. Vanilla
° 3 tablespoons. Lemon juice
° 1/4 cup cold 7UP®️

* Directions  : 

The oven is heated to 325 degrees.
Using an electric whisk, whisk together the sugar and butter until the mixture is creamy.
Add lemon extract and mix.
Add eggs and mix.
Add flour and mix.
Add 7UP®️ and mix for 1 minute.
Rub off down sides of bowl.
Mix about a min on low speed.
Pour blend to a well-greased Juumbo Bandet frying pan.
Baking for an 1 h  or even an 1h  and 21 minutes.
While baking cake, make glaze. Use an electric mixer, blend powder sugar, vanilla, lemon juice, also Seven Up. Beat until smooth.
Let the cake stand in the pan for 10 minutes.
Turn the cake on a plate or plate, lift the tray.
Let it cool down, then spray it with glass.

Enjoy !
